It has been a while since I have done a painting, but after seeing the “Glass” trilogy (Unbreakable, Split, and Glass) I became a bit anamoured by the logo for Blinding Edge Pictures.

The logo really struck a chord with me, reminding me a lot of Dargenhara – a character of my own invention created years ago. It reignited my interest in that character so I may end up doing more “dargen-y” works in the future.  We will see.

Anyways, in this painting I decided I would do my own take on that Blinding Edge logo, embuing it with a little Dargenhara.  I added a short poem to boot.

It was a fun exercise that served to remind me how much I enjoy (and miss!) painting.  I am out of practice and if I ever redid this on a new canvas I would make a few tweaks for sure.

At two feet by two feet it is the largest canvas I have done in at least a decade.  Smaller works are a little easier, not to mention kinder on my paint reserves lol.  I will need another trip to Michaels soon at this rate.

A Flight that Unites

Her call,
bright and bold,
draws deep
upon feathery folds

A winged wonder,
he is a wisp
flying in from
whispered worlds.

Her soft, supple song,
hawk-like and gold,
is echoed in the beating
of his wings as it brings
her lost song
back home.