Recipe: Onion Soup

Recipe: Onion Soup

Onion Soup Recipe Ingredients 1 Stick of butter (1/2 cup) Splash of Olive Oil.  I used my homemade rosemary infused oil olive, but any will do. 5 medium-large onions, sliced – on a mandolin if possible for consistency. 3 cloves of garlic, minced Saute over...
Let’s Make Coquito!

Let’s Make Coquito!

Today I am going to share with you a drink I make yearly for myself, my mom and a few friends. Coquito is a delicious, decadent Puerto Rican treat that essentially is just coconut eggnog with a kick (for the uninitiated who haven’t had the joy of imbibing this...
Let’s Make Iced Spiced Coffee!

Let’s Make Iced Spiced Coffee!

Summertime is in full swing and with it soaring, oppressive temperatures.  In the valley where I live it is especially muggy and humid in between spells of rain. So when morning hits, the thought of piping hot coffee to shake off the mental cobwebs that accumulated...
Let’s Make Tembleque!

Let’s Make Tembleque!

Tembleque is a delicious coconut custard dessert that I have loved ever since I could remember. I always made it using the box mix available in the Goya section, but the other day I tried it from scratch when I couldn’t find the box at the store. I was quite...
PAMA  Pomegranate Liquor

PAMA Pomegranate Liquor

Pomegranate is one of my favorite fruits. My friend introduced me to it last year and though it can be a little laborious to enjoy the tart pips, it’s well worth it.  Unfortunately these buggers are only in season for a few months.  In the off season they can...