Blast from the Past

Blast from the Past

Years ago (2015-2017) I had the privilege of living out a childhood dream – to be in a band.  I never shared any of my videos and photos on my blog, but it was an experience!  We were known then as Psychedelic Revival and played mostly 60’s music. As the...
Cat Toy from Project Scraps

Cat Toy from Project Scraps

I love repurposing and using stuff that otherwise could end up in a landfill.  Below is one such project. It is fun, quick and easy to make your feline buddy a toy that will bring hours of enjoyment and use up some scraps from your latest project. This is a very basic...
Pattern Review: Kimono

Pattern Review: Kimono

A while ago a friend gave me a really beautiful piece of silky material.  I am guessing it is a polyester blend, but it flows like silk! I held onto it for a while, trying to decide what to make: a skirt? a chemise? pants?  I ended up deciding to try out one of the...
Technicolor… Something?, Part 1

Technicolor… Something?, Part 1

Anyone who knows me knows I abhor waste. I derive joy in repurposing, giving life to neglected items and finding use for what would otherwise go into a landfill. This unfortunately means I amass a lot of materials for projects I may never get around to. This brings me...