Bastet: La Chatte Noir

Bastet: La Chatte Noir

I have long loved Art Deco/Art Nouveau and Poster Art. Back in the late 90s, I saw Théophile Alexandre Steinlen’s 1896 Color Lithograph poster for the cabaret called Le Chat Noir.  I had always wanted to try my hand at doing a version of the poster but never got...
Pattern Review: Crochet Boho Tank

Pattern Review: Crochet Boho Tank

I made the top available here a few years ago and opted to give it a whirl for a second round. This time, though, the yarn I used made much bigger squares, which is not a big surprise because the pattern called for a yarn that took a 4.5 mm, and the yarn I used called...
Cat Toy from Project Scraps

Cat Toy from Project Scraps

I love repurposing and using stuff that otherwise could end up in a landfill.  Below is one such project. It is fun, quick and easy to make your feline buddy a toy that will bring hours of enjoyment and use up some scraps from your latest project. This is a very basic...
Pattern Review: Kimono

Pattern Review: Kimono

A while ago a friend gave me a really beautiful piece of silky material.  I am guessing it is a polyester blend, but it flows like silk! I held onto it for a while, trying to decide what to make: a skirt? a chemise? pants?  I ended up deciding to try out one of the...
Foil Moon

Foil Moon

I was gifted a really neat pack of foil scratch paper a little while back and finally “etched” out some time to try it out (get it? “Etched?”). I found a mandala moon pattern I really liked on Pinterest.  Below you can see my take on it using...