Pattern Review: Pineapple Peacock Shawl

Pattern Review: Pineapple Peacock Shawl

This is going to be a pretty short review.   I have made this pattern a few times and really enjoy making these. They work up pretty fast, but you will need to watch your counting.  Be sure to lay it out occasionally to ensure there are no skipped repetitions!  I did...
Pokemon Graph-ghan

Pokemon Graph-ghan

TIPS This is my first graphgan. It has crossed off one thing from my huge bucket list whilst simultaneously making what, I hope, will make my friend happy (and warm)  during these cold months in PA.  This is my first attempt at doing a graphgan.  I created the pattern...
Pattern Review: Basic Bralette

Pattern Review: Basic Bralette

 Using some leftover yarn I had, I decided to give the basic bralette pattern by Morale Fiber a go.  Overall, I found the pattern extremely well written and it worked up pretty quickly. I am pleased with the result, with a few caveats: 1. Check your gauge.  I *never*...
Pattern Review: Crochet Boho Tank

Pattern Review: Crochet Boho Tank

I made the top available here a few years ago and opted to give it a whirl for a second round. This time, though, the yarn I used made much bigger squares, which is not a big surprise because the pattern called for a yarn that took a 4.5 mm, and the yarn I used called...
Pattern Review: Red Heart Llama No Drama

Pattern Review: Red Heart Llama No Drama

This is not so much a tutorial as it is sharing a pattern I followed, the results and a few comments on it. I found this pattern for a stuffed Llama on Redheart and fell in love instantly. I shared it with my buddy and she also became enamoured. She asked me to make...